Monday, January 23, 2012

New Rules

It’s a new year with new rules, right? Out with the old in with the new? It’s time to re-invent myself and rediscover what makes me, me…right?

Well in figuring out what 2012 means to me, I had to reevaluate what 2011 was and was not for me. 2011 was officially the year of me, the year I save, the year I do what I want to do, the year I have fun, the year I enjoy being in my twenties, the year I really live. Was it? It started to be my year, but ended with the year of bad habits-- excessiveness. In 2011, I volunteered like I wanted to, I started taking classes like I wanted to, I travelled like I wanted to, I shopped like I wanted to, and shopped, and shopped and…. you know where I’m headed. In 2011, I became addicted to shopping. Honestly, shopping made me happy. To have people compliment on my new shirt, skirt, or outfit was great. However, even though I drew a line, that line became thinner and thinner until it was barely visible.

So now in 2012, I have vowed to break this little habit because neither my closet nor my bank account can handle it.  I have hopes, I have dreams, I have goals, which all need to be funded by yours truly. One of my many New Years Resolution’s is to STOP SHOPPING, well not completely.  I have some freebies, one being my birthday, Christmas, and a couple others. The rules have to be set for the freebies, but let’s look at the big picture first, and details later.

However, I declare 2012 the year of ….well I don’t really know yet.

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