Thursday, June 2, 2011

Definition of an Idiot

The other day at work, my boss asked me what the definition of an idiot was. I stared at him with a blank and confused expression, hoping I wouldn’t have to report him to HR for calling me an idiot. However, he went on to say, that an idiot is someone who keeps doing the same thing but expects a different outcome.

The more I thought about this, the more I felt this is something we all do in our lives. We complain about our lives, yet never try new things. We adopt a woe is me mindset.

Woe is me, men are all slim balls. Well instead of going for the usually tall, dark, and handsome, go for the average, average, and average. You don’t have to want to climb him like a tree for him to be your soul mate. He might bring something different to your life than the usual lames you deal with.

Woe is me, I hate my job. Well maybe you need to choose a different career path, yes times are hard and jobs aren’t as easy to come by, but sometimes you have to take PRUDENT risks to find happiness. Now I don’t mean quit your job without another one lined up, you still need to pay the bills. However, you need to put yourself out there. Figure out what you do and don’t want, create a resume, get it out there, and don’t settle for anything less. With today’s technology and resources, your only limit is you.

There are things in life we will have no control over. That’s fine, that’s life. But for the things we can, which is most, we have to continuously work on it until we get the results we want. If we want a new reality, we have to make different choices.

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